Robert Adamson (Noah) un vrai papa poule : la preuve en images !


Robert Adamson est tout simplement bluffant en Noah Newman dans la série ‘Les Feux de l’Amour’. Pourtant, dans la vraie vie, le rôle qu’il adore c’est celui de papa. Voici le best-of de ses clichés sur Instagram.

Robert Adamson a crevé l’écran en incarnant à merveille le rôle de Noah Newman dans le soap ‘Les Feux de l’Amour’. Mais le comédien est avant tout un père attentionné et doux avec ce qu’il a de plus cher : sa fille Aleda, née en 2014. La petite est le fruit de son amour avec son ex-compagne, l’actrice Linsey Godfrey.

A 34 ans, le jeune homme prend ce rôle très au sérieux. En attestent ses nombreuses photos postées sur Instagram, le beau gosse est un papa très protecteur. Découvrez le best-of de son compte en attendant découvrir ses talents d’acteur et de charmeur dans la série, diffusée sur Antenne Réunion du lundi au vendredi à 13h05.

What I learned in 2010’s : Inspired by @alicegreczyn ;). 2010 If your friend calls you up out of the blue and suggests you put all your belongings in storage for a few months to RV around Europe, don’t think, just say yes. You’ll literally never stop talking about it. And you’ll finally be “worldly”. 2011 Your past doesn’t define your future, there’s always more work to do. And failing is an inevitable part of growing up. 2012 This is the year I “Turned Pro”. I put all my bullshit aside, and gave everything to the work. The universe really does conspire with you when you give it your all. 2013 I learned I was more than one thing. Your job isn’t your definition. You can literally go on YouTube and learn how to be anything. For me, Filmmaking and Photography. 2014 I became a father. It was a girl. And I started boxing.. yeah, they’re connected. I learned my life is not just my own and it never will be again. It’s better this way. 2015 I did some really good work this year and lost my job anyway. #Life, am I right ? Also, Dubsmash. 2016 Fuckin Dad Bod is REAL ! Also, I should have started Meisner 10 years ago. 2017 If you ever have downtime when your kids are young, abuse it. Steal as many moments as you can. 2018 I started getting Ok at Boxing... I took my first really good photos this year.. Basically, it takes about 4-5 years to become a decent novice. 2019 Death of a Salesman. What else can I say. 15 years of working as an actor brought me to the Ruskin Theater. I learned those 15 years weren’t a waste of my time. 2020 Currently kicking dad bod in the Face. Down 15lbs, back to a 5:30 minute mile. Photography, Health, and closer connections with my dearest friends are on the high list of priorities this year. Here’s to it.

Une publication partagée par Robert Adamson (@rgaiphone) le

Aleda finally did the Wheel today !

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Une publication partagée par Robert Adamson (@rgaiphone) le

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