Sriti Jha (Pragya) dévoile ses livres préférés sur Instagram

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Entrez dans la bibliothèque de Sriti Jha, alias Pragya dans la série ‘Kumkum Bhagya’, qui nous dévoile sur Instagram, ses livres fétiches.

Comme tout le monde, Sriti Jha s’occupe comme elle peut pendant le confinement. Tricot, cuisine, lecture… La star de la série ‘Kumkum Bhagya’ trouve toujours de nouvelles activités pour ne pas céder à l’ennui.

D’ailleurs, la comédienne de 34 ans n’hésite pas à poster des vidéos et de belles photographies sur son compte Instagram, histoire de pouvoir partager son quotidien avec ses plus de 1 320 000 abonnés.

>>> A lire aussi : Sriti Jha : découvrez son prochain projet !

En grande fan de lecture qui se respecte, Sriti Jha ne cesse de dévoiler ses livres favoris et auteurs préférés. Et ses followers adorent. Regardez !

Mind blown #twelve #thepassagetrilogy @jccronin

Une publication partagée par Sriti Jha (@itisriti) le

Happy feminist

Une publication partagée par Sriti Jha (@itisriti) le

21 lessons for the 21st century @yuval_noah_harari This is THE most important book of this year. It discusses the most important problems of the planet and homo sapiens in the 21st century. In this book he discusses the possible dangers to the job market because of the technological revolution- Artificial intelligence, refugees and immigrants, terrorism, religion, climate change, excesses of ideologies like nationalism and Liberalism etc It is an in-depth analysis of the current world scenario. It is #mustread And because I’ve read the book and heard the audiobook simultaneously I recommend the audiobook strongly - the last chapter has an extra two minute in the audiobook version

Une publication partagée par Sriti Jha (@itisriti) le

Gun Island by @amitav_ghosh1 is a very important book. It delves into themes that have found space only in non-fiction. It’s the story of Deen Dutta, a rare books dealer retracing the path of a character from Bengali folklore - the gun merchant. And this journey takes him from Sunderbans to Los Angeles and finally to Venice His journey throughout the book coincides with some sort of natural calamity... he is not chasing them. But the story establishes you can’t escape climate change in any part of the world. It descriptively sites the displacement happening on both sides of the border in Sunderbans in Bengal because of climate change. It talks of the forest fire in Los Angeles and the water level rising in Venice. Climate Migration is a topic not variedly talked about and needs much more attention that we giving it now Ghosh says ‘we understand our world through stories’ . With this story he explains we’re living in the dystopian world that we talked about in fiction 10-20 years ago. A world where everything is going wrong and we make a conscious choice to not see it but no matter how hard we try climate change is catching up

Une publication partagée par Sriti Jha (@itisriti) le

How to change your mind The new science of psychedelics By @michael.pollan This book discusses and puts into chronology the life of some of the most interesting and possibly the most powerful chemical compounds discovered and consumed by human beings From their respective origins in various ancient cultures - to them being used as a healing drug in clinical studies to fight mental disorders and addictions- to becoming the tool for creating a counter culture... and finally being revived in the field of medicine and science post 2006 Across this book Pollan discusses the journey of psilocybin, LSD, DMT and a lot of other psychellics - introducing some very interesting people who’ve dedicated their whole lives seeking answers to the ever-intriguing questions of consciousness I picked it up because it was listed among Yuval Noah Harari‘s favourite books from 2018 and I LOVED this book. I heard the audiobook and I read the text. I have thoroughly enjoyed it - because this book does not come from a place of judgement against psychedelics or from a place of baselessly celebrating them. Pollan throughout the book is seeking knowledge about these psychedelics and that’s what he delivers - the story of psychedelics from its discovery till now - the how, what, when, where, who - all of it Bohot bohot bohot interesting aur mazedaar kitaab !! #chaiaurkitaab #booksandtea #bookstagram #michaelpollan #howtochangeyourmind

Une publication partagée par Sriti Jha (@itisriti) le

Kafkaesque murakaming !

Une publication partagée par Sriti Jha (@itisriti) le


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